My other passion is Permaculture and after years of self-directed study I recently took an Permaculture intensive and am now a certified Permaculture design consultant.
My husband and I are committed to producing as much of our food as possible on less than an acre and this endeavour has generated fairly extensive vegetable gardens as well as a resident population that includes ducks, geese, chickens, meat rabbits and goats. I use my writing as a means to share any insights I gain from day to day experience.
The project that is presently dominating my time is The Quack, Cluck n’ Gobble Guide. It’s a primer to Permaculture and self sufficient living but, unlike many of the brilliant books already available on this topic, my book speaks from an environment that does not favour Green Thumbers, given its poor soil and harsh climate. I have also kept it simple and somewhat anecdotal in the belief that full on first encounters with Permaculture can be overwhelming. The text is almost complete and I’m now wading through the innumerable images I’ve been taking of life on the back forty (square metres that is). | |
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