Jenni Blackmore
Writer, Artist, Permaculturist

Children's Fiction, Adult Short Fiction, Poetry, Plays & Eco-related Articles

Oil and Mixed Media Work, Murals & Illustrations

Certified Permaculture Design Consultant and Micro Farmer


Just a little bit about me

As a child I always wanted to be an artist, a writer or a farmer, depending on the day. I was also determined to live by a quiet ocean beach, which was quite a stretch for a kid growing up in the grimy industrial North of England. However, here I am living on a small island just east of Halifax Nova Scotia, writing, painting and tending a micro farm. Dreams really do come true! And certainly I was always much better at daydreaming than at math, science or social studies.

I strive to inject a certain dreamlike quality into much of my writing; in my world improbability does not necessarily equate with the impossible. Children’s fiction, adult short fiction and poetry are my favourite genres because they allow me to indulge this obsession with what might lurk just beneath the glaze of everyday; an alternate, more magical reality.

Paradoxically, my other passion is grounded in the nitty gritty everyday of Permaculture and micro farming. We call our place QuackaDoodle Farm for obvious reasons, even though the goats and rabbits complain they’re not getting fair billing.

My studies, both in England and Canada focussed specifically on the visual arts and I like to experiment with fusions of the two expressions. Naturally, I insist on illustrating my own work.